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Cynical or Sceptical?

A politician who abuses the electorate by claiming they respond to him with denials of the possibility of human goodness, when they do nothing of the sort, being merely “Inclined to suspense of judgement, given to questioning truth of facts & soundness of inferences”, is revealing everything about himself/herself and nothing about the electorate.


Constituencies Constitutional Challenge – Motion

THE HIGH COURT RECORD NO. 2819P/2007 Between CATHERINE MURPHY and FINIAN McGRATH Plaintiffs And   THE MINISTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, HERITAGE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT, IRELAND AND THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Defendants NOTICE OF MOTION TAKE NOTICE that on the 23rd day of April 2007 at 11:00 O’Clock in the forenoon or the first available opportunity thereafter Counsel on behalf of the Plaintiffs will apply to this Honourable Court sitting at the Four Courts, Inns Quay in the City of Dublin for: […]



We call for the abolition of pastaciutta,


Constituencies Constitutional Challenge: Letter to Chief State Solicitor (2)

THE HIGH COURT RECORD NO. 2819P/2007 Between CATHERINE MURPHY and FINIAN McGRATH Plaintiffs And   THE MINISTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, HERITAGE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT, IRELAND AND THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Defendants We act for the Plaintiffs in the above matter and attach a copy letter in PDF format which we have sent to the Chief State Solicitor.



Godzilla is widely recognised as expressing Japanese fears of attack from the United States of America. His activities have varied from film to film but trampling Tokyo is an enduring theme. a) Tokyo is the capital city of Japan. It embodies Japanese political power. b) Godzilla films allude to the destruction of this power. c) Therefore, Godzilla films are political; d) Therefore advertisements for Godzilla films, on commercial radio, should be banned by the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland. See our […]


Politics with a small p

Broadcasting Complaints Commission get it wrong again.


Constituencies Constitutional Challenge: Statement of Claim

Statement of Claim of Catherine Murphy TD and Finian McGrath TD challenging the failure to revise the electoral constituencies.


Constituencies Constitutional Challenge

McGarr Solicitors act for the Plaintiffs.


Separation of Powers

When matters are settled and not the subject of lively debate it is easy for the citizens to forget how important some ideas are. The principle of the Separation of Powers is one of those ideas. In Ireland we have adopted that principle and expressed it in Article 15 of the Irish Constitution. It is possible to undermine that Constitution. Consider the truncated “debate” of the Criminal Justice Bill in the Dail. It was truncated by the Minister for Justice […]


Government Policy

Government Policy The Irish Times reports Ms. Mary Harney, Minister for Health and Children informing the Dail that it has been Government Policy to arrange for the building of private hospitals on public land for almost two years. This is a revelation to the writer and, from the context of the Irish Times report, a revelation to the Dail also. It also provokes some consternation; we inhabit a world where Government Policy can be settled on, yet not published for […]
