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Personal Data Transfers after Brexit (Aug 2019 edition)

“There will no longer be a fundamental right to data protection post Brexit & this is something which cannot be remedied by domestic legal settlements short of a British Bill of Rights, & even then perhaps not so if Parliament retains sovereignty” Professor Andrew D MurrayLondon School of Economics Brexit is a challenge to any UK organisation attempting to plan even a few months ahead. It may represent an even greater challenge for any other organisation trading with the UK. […]


GDPR; Personal data belongs to people

Personal Data Doesn't work on Finders Keepers

The EU deferred the application of the GDPR personal data rules for two years to allow organisations to make the necessary internal changes to reach compliance. The first, and possibly the most difficult, is to perceive what is stated in the title here; personal data belongs to the data subject. Personal data, collected by you, is not owned by you. Think of it as money. Less than one year from now, your organisation must be able to account for personal […]


Why bother with the GDPR?

A line of CCTV cameras

Here is news that was not (to my knowledge) on RTE. Deep Root Analytics maintained a database on an estimated 62% of the population of the USA. It contains what is known as “sensitive” information on the population. It is being used to profile the US population. The GDPR is designed to prevent the processing of exactly such a database as Deep Root Analytics possesses. Companies like Deep Root Analytics believe that the information they have collected is theirs, not […]


Spoiling the Ship

for a ha'pworth of tar

When the EU passed the GDPR as directly effective law it deferred the implementation of the GDPR for two years to allow organisations to make the necessary changes to comply with the law. One year of that two year period has passed. Many companies and organisations have not even begun to make the necessary changes. For some of them, there is not now enough time to make the necessary changes to reach compliance by 25th May 2018. There is a […]


GDPR; Getting ready for Privacy by Design

Privacy by design

Article 25 GDPR requires organisations to adopt privacy by design and by default. Generally, these will come as new principles in data protection implementation to many of the organisations obliged to adopt those principles before 25th May 2018. That’s the date the Regulation comes into force. Failure to do this will be easily detected; under Article 30 GDPR organisations are obliged to establish and maintain a register of data processing activities. Implementation of privacy by design and by default should […]
