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Kaczynski Crash

f they had been Irish, probably they would have owned their residence in joint names (in joint tenancy). The effect of this form of ownership is to vest full ownership in the survivor. Significantly, the property never becomes part of the estate of the first partner to die. However, commorientes defeats this process. Which died first?


Cloud Computing: European Data Protection Dangers

Cloud computing is rapidly becoming a buzzphrase in IT-reliant businesses. But while enterprises may be able to save money by moving into the cloud it is difficult to see how they can do so with their customer’s personal information without breaching EU data protection law.


Trespassers will be prosecuted, including Tour Groups!

However, the history of Ireland is replete with times and periods when very real domestic threats of terrorism existed. Frequently, the Four Courts was the scene of forensic points of conflict between the State and an irregular armed power.



Ireland has previously cast a veto (in the EU Council of Ministers) and it was denied that it had that effect.


Money, Money, Money

It is a principle of Irish (and UK) law that the purpose of the award of compensation by the courts is to, insofar as money can, place the injured party in the same position as if he/she had not been injured.


The Source of Law?

…and no man knows when they were first put forth.



Of course, we might comfort ourselves with the reflection that we don’t mind if the British GMC seeks to foil any intention we have to practice medicine in the UK, there being, generally, none.
