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Broadcasting Law

Broadcasting law is rarely the subject of litigation- being mostly a function of regulation and regulators rather than the courts. However, it frequently attracts very considerable media attention as it strikes to the heart of media activity. The areas discussed range from court reporting and privilege to Defamation, to the regulations seeking to enforce (or impose) a particular definition of fairness and/or balance. There are fora other than the Courts which may accept complaints made about particular breaches of broadcasting regulations or statutes. We discuss some of them across these posts. We have also provided you with an occasional assessment of how reasonable or otherwise the actual rules being enforced really are. Broadcasting is one of the main powers and privileges of a modern society. The influence of broadcasters is reflected in the intense scrutiny they work under and the wide-scale regulation of their actions they must accept as the price of their work.

Sub Judice

The Irish Times reports on 20th January 2007 that the High Court is hearing an appeal from the Circuit Court where the Plaintiff was successful against a provincial newspaper for breach of privacy. Apparently the Plaintiff was photographed while playing gaelic football and his genitals were visible in the photograph, which the newspaper published. The Plaintiff had also pleaded defamation but abandoned that claim in the Circuit court. The appeal is current and final submissions from the newspaper are expected […]


Are Political Videos on YouTube Subject to Irish Regulation?

The question has been raised as to whether political videos available for view on sites such as YouTube are governed by the same regulations as pertain to the familiar broadcast media. A good starting point to examine this question would be to investigate what are the sources of the regulation which currently apply to broadcasters in Ireland in relation to political messages. Section 18 of the Broadcasting Authority Act 1960, as amended by section 3 of the broadcasting Authority (Amendment) […]
